British Speedway Files
Scroll down for GP & SoN Spreadsheets

**Files** marked with  **    **  have changed from the 2024 versions

All Spreadsheets are 'Future Proofed' to enable re-use in the following seasons.
(Providing that the current format remains in operation.)

All Spreadsheets are .xlsx format.

SGB PREMIERSHIP_2025 Premiership League Table Calculator. (£8.00)
  (7 Team Premiership League & League Cup)
Includes separated A + B Match Tables

2024 Format:- Aggregate Bonus Point
SGB CHAMPIONSHIP_2025 Championship League Table Calculator. (£8.00)
(9 Team Championship League)
2024 Format:- Aggregate Bonus Point
**NDL/NT_2025** National Develoment League Table Calculator (£9.00)
(Two Tables. 6 Team National League & 5 Team National Tropy)

2024 Format:- Aggregate Bonus Point
Universal Match Programme 2025
 Premiership, Championship, NDL & NT 2025
 Match Programme File. (£8:00)
  (15 heat Match Programme File, % Heat wins/gate shown)
Match Formats to suit League, KO Cup & BSN Trophy Aggregate Matches
Includes Super Heat

(Just type in R, B, W & Y and MP_2025 will work out Points, BP )
Results at your fingertips! MP_2025 Can be used to save match details on your PC, throughout the season.
Watching LIVE on TV / BSN Streaming? Follow the action with your own Match Programme.
Programme details for up to 60 matches can be saved with instant access from a single click on the Index sheet.
TM_2025 Average Spreadsheet.
Now produced as a Template which the user can easily adapt for any League.
[Variable Rolling Average] (£10:00)
(IMPORTANT! You may need to input details of each riders' previous season scores to obtain a true Rolling Average )
Add £3:00 if ordering a pre-filled TM  for a particular team/season.

  20 riders, Rolling Averages,  Green Sheet Averages (- Bonus Points), CMA (inc BP)


British Files Discount for existing KanDysoft customers

Note: To qualify for discount, previous purchases must have been made prior to January 1st 2025.

Minimum £0.75 per file. Total Discount shown in brackets ( )

Any 1 File = (£0.75)

Any 2 Files = (£1.50)

Any 3 Files = (£2.25)

Any 4 Files = (£3.00)

All 5 Files = (£4.00)

Payment Details

Contact dave@kandysoft.com for details of Swedish League & Polish League Spreadsheets
Existing Customers (who have purchased prior to January 2025) are entitled to a £1:00 discount on SGP & SoN / SWC Spreadsheets

Note: SGP, SoN & SWC files  are "Future Proofed"
Venues and Dates are now editable allowing the user to re-use the Spreadsheet for as long as the current format is in operation.

**GP_2025** Grand Prix Spreadsheet
 Up to 12 GP rounds and 12 Sprints,  2021 GP Points Format
UPDATED ! 12 x Sprint Points included.
Cumulative Totals, 'Gate' statistics.)
 20 Heats + 2 x LCQ's + Final.
(This file is priced at £13.00 and is not supplied as part of the multi-file prices listed above)

Speedway of Nations 2025
**New 8 Team Format**

SWC  World Cup Final Spreadsheet.
(2 x Qualifying Rounds, Semi-Final and Grand Final. Gate Statistics)
(This file is priced at £10.00 and is not supplied as part of the multi-file prices listed above)

Payment Details


Football Files

Football League Table Calculators. (20 team i.e. Premier League, 24 Team i.e. Coca Cola Championship)
Other League tables, involving different numbers of teams, can be supplied. Prices on request. 


Please note that Dave Gambrill retains 'Intellectual Copyright' of the files on this site.
Registered users are welcome to use all, or part of the contents of the files in an official or unofficial publication,
Programme, or Web Site. An acknowledgement to KanDysoft would be appreciated.
Purchase of the files is subject to acceptance of the above conditions of use.

Thanks to Paul Richardson for his invaluable help in the early stages of creating these files.